Learning JavaScript: Day 2

Learning JavaScript: Day 2

Yesterday while trying to make Prettier work on my machine, I ran into an error:

npm ERR! code ENOENT

I tried to make Prettier my default formatter, added a .settings file where I made Prettier my default formatter, nothing worked(cause I was going in the wrong direction). It was late and I had work in the morning so I had to let it go. I figured out later that I had an older version of npm installed, needed upgrading.

Steps I took:

  • npm -v (version of npm on my machine)

  • npm view npm version (latest available version of npm)

  • npm i -g npm (the upgrade command)

  • npm -v (verification)

initialised and installed → npm. And all set.

Lets GO!

Pointers I took from 2nd Day of learning JS

  • browser tools is JS a devs best-friend

  • Read up a little about DOM through MDN web docs, and how they are the entry point to any web page’s content

  • Console can be used to access objects created in the JS of your webpage and can manipulate these objects like HTML and CSS

  • comments → ctrl + /